
Track relevant news at a glance

RivalMap brings together all the news you want regarding competitors, products, industry topics, and more. Aggregate competitor blogs, industry feeds, or keyword searches that track updates on any topic all in an integrated, shared reader. Thanks to the way RivalMap organizes news, every user can easily scan the news that they find most relevant and share it in one click.


See how you stack up

RivalMap's comparison matrix tool makes it easy to directly compare any aspect of your business with competitors, product, and more. Since they are hosted centrally on RivalMap, all users can contribute to and benefit from them. Create multiple matrices for different comparisons, such as product features or marketing focus. There is no limit to how many comparisons you can create on RivalMap.


Collectively address issues

Any post in RivalMap can be marked as a concern, which highlights updates or actions in the market that are of concern. Not only does having these in a central place raise awareness, but it also allows informed colleagues to share their knowledge to address key concerns. Think of it like an strategic issue tracker for your business.

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Each RivalMap account has its own unique address, which was created when the account was set up. If you can't remember the address, we can send a reminder to you.

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