
The latest, right in your inbox

RivalMap can send out a nicely formatted email digest of all the latest shared information. This ensures everyone always has the latest updates, and keeps them in the loop without requiring them to check for new information every day. Users can even choose how often they want to receive the digest.


Stay up to date

Users can subscribe to any discussion in RivalMap, and receive instant email alerts when someone else comments. RivalMap keeps the discussion going and helps maintain a community around interesting information. RSS feeds are available for those information junkies in your organization.


Integrated with your CRM

RivalMap plays nice with your CRM users, by putting the latest information right in front of them without requiring them to ever leave their beloved CRM accounts. If you use SalesForce or NetSuite CRM, we have you covered, but we're always working on future integrations, so contact us for more details.

Login to your RivalMap account

Each RivalMap account has its own unique address, which was created when the account was set up. If you can't remember the address, we can send a reminder to you.

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