
Everyone has a voice

Every day, tons of great information is lost in email, or never shared at all. Posts let everyone share the latest information, thoughts, files, links, or news instantly with the rest of their colleagues. They are organized by tags and completely searchable. Posts let you have shared conversations to uncover new information from the field, solve problems, or share thoughts on a press release. The result? Better decisions, more informed workers, and less email.


One place for all your files

Want one place to share PDFs, images, Office docs, and movies? RivalMap supports all popular file formats, and makes it easy to share one or multiple files at a time. RivalMap even organizes any files posted by tags, so everyone can find the latest file they need quickly. Gone are the days of attaching screenshots and whitepapers to emails and blasting them to the entire company.


Share from anywhere

Use the RivalMap bookmarklet to share a web page or article with your colleagues in one click. You can also create content by sending an email to a custom dropbox provided by RivalMap. This can be particularly useful if you need to make a quick note that you want to share with others. Mobile workers can create content by emailing notes using their phone, so they're always able to record new information.

Login to your RivalMap account

Each RivalMap account has its own unique address, which was created when the account was set up. If you can't remember the address, we can send a reminder to you.

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